The Theory of Money and Prices

  • A 3 minute video by Fraser Institute on Friedman’s theories of money and pricing system.
  • One of Milton Friedman's keen interests as an economist was how inflation—increases in the overall price level of goods and services—affected the economy.
  • At the heart of his theory about the cause of inflation is the relationship between money and the availability of goods and services.
  • Friedman's research revolutionised the way most economists think about money and inflation.
  • Every economy has a set amount of goods available for purchases.
  • Inflation refers to increase in the overall price level of goods and services.
  • In 1963 Friedman and Schwartz completed 800 page “Monetary History of the United States 1857-1960,” which revolutionised how most economists think about money and inflation.
  • They argued that inflation is always caused by changes in the money supply, compared to changes in the production of goods and services.
  • Friedman observed that if the supply of money doubles while the amount of goods and services available in the economy remains the same, overall prices and wages would basically double.