Media release
23 January 2019
Khaya Lam Land Reform Project kicks off the new year with 101 title deeds
The Free Market Foundation’s (FMF) Khaya Lam Land Reform Project announced today that another 101 residents of Vredefort in the Free State will receive the title deeds to their homes bringing the total number of transfers completed to date to 3,197
The 101 title deeds will be presented to their rightful owners at a titling ceremony on 23 January 2019. They have been made possible through funding from the Rising Tide Foundation (RTF), a Swiss-based, privately endowed foundation. RTF have sponsored 149 fully tradeable title deeds to date and the 101 transfers sponsored by RTF today form part of 1,500 transfers that the Foundation has committed to sponsor
The Khaya Lam project continues to grow from strength-to-strength and, thanks to the generosity of private donors, the FMF has received funds to transfer a further 3,496 title deeds in various municipalities across South Africa.
However, much more needs to be done as the FMF estimates that there are 5 million properties nationwide that are crying out to be converted to full unambiguous title. The FMF will continue to work with municipalities across South Africa to ensure that all eligible tenants will receive full freehold title deeds to their homes.