EU pesticides ban could affect malaria control

Control of diseases such as malaria in developing countries could be hindered by new legislation from the European Union (EU).

The EU looks likely to pass a measure to remove a range of pesticides from use, despite a petition to stop the ban being signed by more than 160 prominent public health scientists.

Experts believe that the ban could have a negative impact on the fight against diseases in developing countries, as supplies of chemicals for public health projects could dwindle if they are not also being produced for agriculture.

The petition states: “The proposed new regulations set a dangerous precedent for the regulation of chemicals around the world and show a worrying lack of concern for the real risks to health and development to which most people in developing countries are exposed.”

Jasson Urbach, director of Africa Fighting Malaria, added: “As public health insecticides comprise little more than one per cent of the total market for pesticides, it is highly unlikely that their production would continue if a product were banned for agriculture.”

The ban could come into effect in 2014 if the EU decision is ratified later this year.

Source: Global Health TV, Pesticides ban could affect malaria control

For text:

FMF Policy Bulletin/ 07 April 2009

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